Who’s Counting?
I wanted to call this blog ‘Statistics Schmistics’ but I was worried you might think I’d made another typo. For all the eagle-eyed readers among you who noticed I spelt Kirstie Allsopp’s name wrong last week, thank you for being polite and not mentioning it. I’m...
I Am A Feminist
All hail Kirstie Allsopp (for non-UK readers, she’s the queen of prime time property-hunting TV). This week she stuck her head above the three-bedroom semi and told the world - in an interview for The Telegraph – what age women should be having children. 27...
Right To Reply
I love writing my blog. Those are five words that I never thought I’d say in the same sentence. In fact, I never thought I’d see the words ‘my blog’ next to each other. But there you go. Conception miracles do happen to me, even if they only relate to my giving birth...
Zita, The Embryologist and Me
A couple of months ago I was involved in an event with Zita West, the UK’s baby-making guru. She said lots of interesting things but one in particular has stuck with me. Apparently whenever she meets a couple for the first time who are having difficulties conceiving...
Good Morning Britain
It’s a good job I’m a morning person because on Thursday at 6.20am I was sitting on the sofa of ITV’s Good Morning Britain with Susanna Reid and Kate Garraway. They were looking radiant in blue (Susanna) and orange (Kate). Whereas I made the televisual mistake of...
In Search of Lost Time
The danger of writing about your struggle with infertility is that it’s all too easy to wallow in introspection. A lot of people are guilty of being their own favourite subject, and writing a book and a blog does nothing to discourage it. But anyone who knows me well,...
Anonymous Is Not A Name I Know
This week I celebrated two anniversaries. On 1st May it was three months since the publication of my book and six months since my first ever blog. It’s been an incredible time and I finally feel like I might be coming up for air. Coming out about my infertility was...
Call Me Psychic Part II
Ok, here’s the thing. When I wrote my blog, Call Me Psychic, I was kind of joking. I mean, I didn’t really think I had special powers even though I’d successfully predicted that Holly Willoughby would soon be pregnant. But, now, things are starting to get spooky. In...
The Chicken or the Egg?
It’s time to talk about eggs. Well it is Easter and as any serial IVF-er knows eggs are where it’s at. So here’s the thing. Women are born with millions of them. But don’t get excited. By the time you reach puberty the figure has dropped to a couple of hundred...
The Why Factor: Envy
I was recently asked to take part in The Why Factor for the BBC’s World Service. They were doing a programme on ‘envy’ and they invited me and a bunch of other much more interesting and intelligent people to talk about its cause and effect. It’s worth listening to...
Desert Island Lists
I love lists. Apparently, I’m not alone. Last year I discovered that there’s a regular event in London for list lovers (click here to read about it). I thought about going and then decided against. I’ve got enough lists in my life already – my competitive instincts...
Giving Up the Ghost
Today is Mother’s Day (in the UK). It would be churlish not to mention it and if you fancy reading my take on the subject do have a look at my inaugural article on Huffington Post. But for my regular Sunday blog instead of focusing on the card I didn’t get, I want to...
Call Me Psychic
When I wrote my Sunday blog about Holly Willoughby on 17th November last year, I never imagined for a moment that four months later I’d be sitting with her (and Philip the silver fox) on the This Morning sofa. But, call me psychic, I did predict that she’d soon be...
The Kindness of Strangers
Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while may remember that two weeks ago I revealed I’d agreed to do a feature on my IVF story in the Daily Mail. Well, I was right in my prediction of the headline: 'Addicted to IVF'. But, oh dear, I wasn’t prepared for...
Age Matters
Yesterday was International Women’s Day. I spent it at the WOW (Women of the World) Festival at the Southbank Centre where I had been invited to join fertility/infertility royalty on my first ever panel debate. The event was chaired by Kate Brian (journalist and...
The Femail of the Species (is more deadly than the Mail)
This week I did something I may live to regret. I agreed to do a feature in Femail. I can read the headline now. JESSICA HEPBURN: ADDICTED TO IVF. I can also read the online comments: ‘Desperate’; ‘Deluded’; ‘Why doesn’t she just adopt?’. Whatever I do, I mustn’t read...
Ditch the Dummy
This month I got to do something I’ve never done before - buy a copy of Prima Baby & Pregnancy magazine. But, don’t worry fellow infertiles, this isn’t a dreaded pregnancy announcement. It’s just that the magazine has kindly featured my book in their February...
We all have our shit
This week’s blog is a call to action. Infertility Network UK and the British Infertility Counselling Association are currently conducting a questionnaire on the subject of counselling. If you have attended a fertility treatment at a UK clinic, I urge you to complete...
My name is Inadequate
Here’s a promise. This is the final blog in which I’m going to mention my book launch which took place at Waterstones Covent Garden on Tuesday night. The last thing I want to do is become a book launch bore. But, truly, it was a great night for infertility. In fact,...
Standing Tall
For years I kept my infertility a secret. I didn’t talk about it with most of my family or friends. I never took any time off work during my treatment. I was a secret stalker of online fertility forums, reading but never writing. It was a self-inflicted shame that...
Jessica Hepburn
Jessica Hepburn is one of the UK’s leading voices on fertility and family, as well as endurance sport (even though she doesn’t have children and is the most unlikely athlete). She has become a pioneer in inspiring people to live as big and bravely as possible when life doesn’t go to plan.