For a week now, I’ve had a dilemma. I’ve been working hard on my new book and then Theresa May went and became the front runner to take over from David Cameron and really messed things up. This is because there’s a passage in the first chapter, a conversation between me and my partner, that goes like this…
‘So what’s the point of being here then? If you don’t have children and your only purpose is to serve the economy and maybe have a bit of fun from time to time, is it really worth it? Unless you do something big?’
Peter gives me a weary smile.
‘I’ve always fancied becoming Prime Minister’, I say. ‘PM Hepburn that would be pretty cool.’
‘But you don’t know anything about politics. You didn’t even vote in the last election.’
‘Yeah, well, that’s because I don’t know whose side I’m on anymore. Maybe I could be an independent. There are definitely a few things I’d like to campaign for: three-day weekends; free public transport; the death of Starbucks.’
Peter laughs.
‘The problem is,’ I continue, ‘I’m not sure anyone would vote in an ‘infertile’ to run the country. Not when babies are what win elections.’
I have to confess I’m not a Tory but of all the candidates in the early stages of the leadership contest Theresa May seemed to me to be the best. So, even though she’s childless (and it seems not by choice), I decided that I’d forgive her for messing up my first chapter if she went and won. I’m afraid I will never forgive Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson for creating this chaos in the first place and then buggering off and leaving us all to it.
And then came Andrea Leadsom. It did make me smile when she knocked out Michael Gove because the traitor definitely deserved it. But my jaw hit the floor when I heard her comments to The Times in which she strongly implied that being a mother makes her a better candidate because, unlike May, she has a real stake in the future of our country. Really Andrea? I’d like to see you say that to Elizabeth 1st!
Of course if Leadsom wins I may be able to keep that paragraph in my book but, frankly, no one has the right to be Prime Minister if you’re not going to care for a country and everybody in it and after those comments Andrea Leadsom in my ‘no-stake-in-the-future-of-our-country-humble-opinion’ you have no right.
Well said Jessica! Andrea Loathsome for sure! And don’t let either of them hold you back you would make a great PM!
The loathsome Leadsom has gone! Move over May I’m coming to get you xxx
Well said Jessica indeed – you have my vote. This had me enraged yesterday – my husband had to use distracting techniques 3 times to get me off the subject. It was only the promise of a shopping trip and a costa coffee that finally did the trick!
Me too! I was apoplectic! Thank goodness she’s done the decent thing and stood down. Hope you got to buy yourself something nice! Jessica x
Yes – a good thing she stepped down. If people only knew the strength of character and compassion needed to endure fertility struggles. It has at least raised some awareness I hope. So how is your book coming along…
PS – We had a calming coffee and then raced home to watch the tennis!
I know, I can imagine how much those comments hurt. Book is coming along, not as quick as I would like as is so often the way but definitely coming along! Jessica x
Nice post and very good point. I’m glad she stepped down. Although not so convinced about the future PM either.. xx
I know, especially now I’ve read her record on gay rights, they’re appalling! Jessica x
What a week for women making waves! I made sure to link to your post in this newly published blog posting … loved your comeback about Elizabeth 1st!!
Thanks Pamela. Love your post. Will tweet it now! Jessica x
I love this. I often think that we are more compassionate, more able to see the vulnerable everywhere, because we are not solely focusing on our children and grandchildren, and what will specifically help them and only them.
PS. I’m also for the death of Starbucks!
So glad you’ll be fighting the Starbucks revolution with me. I think your comments are absolutely right and Leadsom’s comments are quite possibly the most insulting childless clanger I’ve ever heard. Jessica x
Exactly – care for a country and EVERYBODY in it. Proclaiming procreation based value is quite far off from caring for everybody. Was so glad to hear she left the race two days later. Sorry for the potential loss of your chapter though:-)
Bless you, happy to have my chapter scuppered if it means she’s gone! Jessica x
Polictics really has gone arse over tits hasn’t it.
There hasn’t been a week that’s gone where I haven’t turned to Keith and said ‘did they really just say that’
It has it has. xxx