Dear Friends
Well, this is it. The announcement I’ve been promising for months (some might say years…)
My new book – Save me from the Waves – an adventure from sea to summit – will be published by Quarto Books on 7 March 2024. It was publicly announced in The Bookseller last week and it’s on pre-sale NOW from various retailers at this link: Preorder Save me from the Waves

It’s my story of going from rock bottom to the top of the world (literally). And whilst the book is a stand-alone work, it’s also the third and final part of a trilogy of stories about my life and shit (my first two books being The Pursuit of Motherhood and 21 Miles). You definitely don’t need to have read the others to read and enjoy this (in fact, you don’t need to read any of them if you don’t want to). But I hope you do because I think it’s the best book I’ve written. I’ve definitely poured my ears, legs and heart into every word.

I know you might be thinking – March 2024? That’s blooming ages away! But it really isn’t – it will be here in a dash. Because time has a habit of doing that – dashing. And I would absolutely love you to pre-order it now and help me push it up the book-buying rankings because I want to do everything I can to get it into readers’ hands.
Pre-order Special Offer
In fact, to encourage you to do just that I have a special offer for you. The first 25 people who email me to say they’ve bought it will be invited to the live book launch which will be held in London on the evening of Thursday 7 March(which is the day before International Women’s Day and the weekend before Mother’s Day and feels absolutely the perfect time for my new book to meet the world). It’s going to be a very special event and numbers are strictly limited so if you want to ensure your invite then fastest fingers first!
After that the first 100 people to message me will be invited to the online launch which will take place the following week (date to be confirmed). And absolutely everyone who pre-orders and emails me will receive a sneak preview of Chapter 1 – I have it ready to send out right now! And here’s a teaser. If you do, you’ll get to find out how the comedian Jimmy Carr changed the trajectory of my life on Sunday 19 March 2017. Surely you want to know why that was. Don’t you? Order it now and you will!
There’s no need to send me your receipt – just drop me a line at to say you’ve bought it. One of the big themes of the book is ‘truth’ and, with that in mind, I trust you.
So what else is the book about? Well, have a read of the back cover copy to see…

And I just want to finish by saying this. Those of you who have been following my life and adventures for a while will know that whilst I am a very public person, I’m also a very private person too. I prefer to write about things before I talk about them and this story is book-ended by two emotional traumas that I haven’t really disclosed publicly before. So if you want to know what’s been going on behind all the smiles on social media – this is the book to read. But don’t worry about me: my shit is my super-power, and my hashtag is #livebigandbrave.
Much love
Jessica x