Dear Readers, Your Blogger Needs You! Imagine me in a general’s hat, no moustache but a finger pointing. Not in a confrontational way but in a gently encouraging, hopeful way. If that’s ok.
This month I’ve launched the pre-order fundraising campaign for my new book. 21 Miles: the story of one woman who ate 21 meals with 21 women and then swam 21 miles to answer the question: does motherhood make you happy? No prizes for guessing who that one woman is! You can watch the trailer, read the synopsis and an extract here:
So why does your blogger need you? Well, I’m working with an award-winning publisher called Unbound that is based on a crowd-funding business model that gives more control to authors and their readers. This has proved really important for my book because mainstream publishers still feel that what I write about is niche and a bit taboo. 21 Miles is my next step in changing the conversation around motherhood and making a better world for all women. But only if people want to read it. So please consider buying an advance copy (digital or hardback) or ticket/s to the book launch. All the details are here:
I’m hoping that the pre-order campaign for my book will be completed by the end of September which will mean that it will be published next year to coincide with Fertility Fest – my arts festival about fertility, infertility and the science of assisted conception (watch this space for more information on that soon). Yesterday I went to an exhibition by a lovely artist who I was meeting for the first time and I hope will be appearing in a future festival. I told her that I really want to try and change the world around this topic but sometimes it feels difficult and I’m not sure whether I will. Like having to crowdfund for your book which is tough – and a bit like IVF, physically and emotionally exhausting, all hope and no certainty.
Later the same lovely artist sent me an email thanking me for coming to her show. She said that following our conversation, she wanted to send me a quote by Robert Kennedy. This is it.
“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”
If you buy my book – and your blogger needs you to – you will be sending me a ripple of hope. And although I might never have the greatness to bend history what I can promise you is this: together we might change a small portion of events and in all those acts and in this book will be written the history of the IVF generation.
You have my support, dear Jessica! Will get busy this coming week…
Bless you dear Pamela. You are 21 miles of angel xxx
Oh! What a video, what a story! Impossible not to answer your plea to blogger supporters and get behind the book. Made me quite tearful. Life fulfilment. Swimming. Channel Swimming. What a lady!!
Thank you so much Clare! Amazing to have your swimming and blogging support. Sorry to make you cry, but hopefully in a good way. Jessica x
Wow sounds intriguing. I’ll try to get hold of a copy soon and give it a review on the blog. Best of luck! Hopefully as time goes on this subject area will no longer be niche and taboo.
Thank you so much! The publication schedule will only be set once enough people have bought it. I’m hoping it will be out next year, so your review will be a little way off but I would love you to support the book and then review it when it arrives, if you can. Bless you for your support xxx