Note To Blogging Self!

by | 4 Feb 2018

I did it again. In fact it feels like I’m making a habit of it. Monday morning. A hotel room in Barcelona. And I suddenly remember I’ve forgotten. My blog – the one which I’ve committed to writing every other Sunday (apart from at the end of last year when I took a mini sabbatical). You may remember I forgot to write last October too. But I had the best intentions for 2018…

I guess I could blame it on Barcelona. It is a city of distractions. Although I was only there on a whirlwind trip of 36 hours. But maybe that contributed to my memory loss. Added to this is my ‘To Do List’ which is currently the length of a small novel and my exploding inbox littered with the shrapnel of unanswered email.

Are you getting my drift? I’ve been busy. And I’ve been in Barcelona. Busy, Barcelona and blogs don’t get on.

I’d like to think that things will change this Tuesday. This Tuesday (6th February) is when we officially launch Fertility Fest 2018 to the press and public. The festival will be taking place at the Bush Theatre in West London in May. The lead up to launch has been the main reason for my overload of work. Finalising the programme and publicity for a festival with 150 artists and fertility experts has been more than I bargained for. But then most of my life has been more than I bargained for. Anyone else feel like that?

As I write this, I am contemplating the document of 20,000 words of artist and fertility expert biogs that I need to edit by the end of today and upload to our website. I’m not sure right now whether it’s going to happen. And that’s just one of the things on today’s to do list. I won’t bore you with the others.

So I’m going to post this blog now, lest I forget later. It’s essentially got one important message which is that if you sign up to our Fertility Fest mailing list now – or look back on the site on Tuesday then all be revealed and tickets will be going on sale. If you’re at all interested in fertility, infertility, modern families and the science of making babies, you won’t want to miss it (even if I do say so myself). It’s going to be pretty amazing.

Oh and of Barcelona. Well, after the London festival in May, we’ll be taking Fertility Fest to the biggest fertility industry conference in the world which is taking place in July – in Barcelona. I was there on a recce. So I’m going to endeavour to be a better blogger from now because communication is everything. And there’s a lot going on this year in my bid to make a better world for fertility and infertility that I want you, my lovely blog readers, to know about. Thank you for sticking with me – I may even write next Sunday!

Jessica x

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