Yes, it IS Tuesday

by | 18 Apr 2017

Now, I know I usually post on a Sunday and only once every two weeks, but today is a special day. I’m taking part in a ‘blog tour’ (fancy!) with 25 other wonderful women. We’ve come together to launch Justine Brooks Froelker’s latest book The Mother of Second Chances, the publication of which coincides with National Infertility Awareness Week in America.

I’m delighted to be coming after Sarah – of the blog Camino Sarah – especially as I would love to follow in her footsteps one day to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Do have a look at her post yesterday as she writes beautifully about the pilgrims of infertility. It brought a lump to my throat when I read it.

And tomorrow, I will be followed by Kim from the blog Salt in the Womb. Her last post was hilarious – about a wild racoon and its poop on her stoop. She called it Rork and writes: ‘Yes I named the racoon. Shut up.’ Now that’s priceless and I can’t wait to see what she writes tomorrow.

But don’t stop there, why not read every woman’s post – just take a look at Justine’s blog Ever Upward for the full list. And if you’re better at social media and hashtags than me (which most people are) then do share them and help break the silence and stigma using the words: #Infertilty #NIAW #EverUpward. And if you want to, please share your story too.

I stand shoulder to shoulder with these women because we all know the pain of our fertility letting us down. But how could I be in better company? And WHEN (not IF) I reach the finishing line of the London Marathon 2017 on Sunday which I am running for Fertility Network UK, I will be high fiving them and all the people in the world who have refused to be beaten by infertility and have taken their baton and run!

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