I Coped!

by | 28 Dec 2014

I coped with Christmas. In fact, I had a lot of fun. Wherever you were, whoever you were with and whatever you were doing, I hope you did too.

So how about a game of ‘Where’s Wally?’ for a little post-Christmas fun. Can you find the person with a number 40 on her hat on the front page of The Independent on Boxing Day? Who do you think that wally could be?




  1. surfergirluk

    Where’s the wetsuits more like?!! Love the photo too! I will never complain about the pool temp at training again. I salute you! L x

    • thepursuitofmotherhood

      Wetsuits are for wimps! (well according to the Serpentine club members, sometimes when they’re not looking I allow myself the treat!)

  2. Susan Seenan

    Wow, i can’t believe you did that! Not sure whether to say congratulations or ask if you need a therapist!!!

  3. kiftsgate

    Yey! You are so cool!! Great photo. Glad Christmas was good and all my best wishes for 2015! xx

    • thepursuitofmotherhood

      I don’t know about cool, but I am definitely COLD! Happy new year to you too. Jessica x